Brand Impact of COVID-19 on Home Healthcare and Personal Care


Brand Development and Branding

Our country and the entire world face uncertain times with the COVID-19 pandemic. One thing for certain is the strong impact COVID-19 has had on the delivery of healthcare services for those with acute or chronic conditions, or needs for palliative care or hospice care. COVID-19 has acted as an accelerant for home healthcare services as a preferable alternative.

The NY Times reports that as of September 16th,  7 percent of the country’s cases have occurred in long-term care facilities, deaths related to COVID-19 in these facilities account for about 40 percent of the country’s pandemic fatalities. In light of these figures, the infection-control issues in congregate settings, and the feelings of isolation and loneliness stemming from no visitation and lockdown policies in senior living and care communities, seniors are actively seeking solutions to age in place and remain safe and healthy in their home.

With the right brand and branding strategy, your organization will stand out as the preferred solution among alternatives.

What is Branding?
Well before the onset of the pandemic, most professionals in your industry and others providing healthcare services understood that branding is critical. Now it has become even more crucial. Yet, branding is often misunderstood. It is not limited to the name of your brand, logo, brand identity mark, or tagline. Home healthcare and personal care and other healthcare branding certainly includes these unique identifiers but is much larger.

Branding is the sum of every experience a person has with your organization. This includes your signage, marketing materials, office décor, online and social presence, the appearance and professionalism of your team, the voice on the phone, and of course, the quality of care and overall experience at each interaction with someone from your organization. Your branding is the sum of it all!

What exactly is your brand?
It is the vision, personality, mission, presence, promise, reputation, philosophy, capabilities, and style of your brand. Individuals form their impression of your healthcare brand and organization based on all of these. It is therefore crucial to take charge of this perception by creating a compelling and unique brand that stands out from your many competitors and resonates with your audience’s needs and current state of mind.

What is the State of Your Home Healthcare and Personal Care Brand?
Speaking of the current state, do you know where you now stand? A branding ‘audit’ is a necessary first step in identifying how your brand and your organization are viewed by others. This provides a clear understanding of your brand status and where it needs to be heading.  Like what was covered in my insights, intelligence and planning blog,  a brand ‘audit’ gives you the intelligent insights to inform your brand strategy and plan.

Why is Branding A Critical Success Factor for Home Healthcare and Personal Care Providers?
Branding is an essential part of success. It extends further than your name or logo and includes defining (or refining) your brand strategy, architecture, and standards. The way your organization communicates your brand and branding messages are at the core of marketing. Your unique value is conveyed through your logo, marketing materials, digital presence, videos, ads, socials and consistently throughout all the elements of your plan.

Demand for Your Brand of Home Healthcare and Personal Care Services
While demand for home-based medical and non-medical care services has increased dramatically, so has the competition. Your competitors are actively working to attract many of the same people as you are. To stand out and attract new patients, it is necessary that your organization have a well-defined strategy, plan, and brand. The increased demand for home-based care is soaring with the COVID-19 pandemic. It is estimated that 80% of seniors are already having their needs met in private homes, consider also:

-Over 5 million people in the U.S. currently receive paid home care. And now, not only must home care continue for older adults, and for those with chronic conditions and disabilities, but many people with COVID-19 will need it too.

-As reported by the US Census Bureau, the senior population will continue to grow. By 2040, the population of those 85 years and above will triple from 5.7 million to 14.1 million.

-the Population Reference Bureau reports an expected increase in the number of Americans ages 65 and older requiring nursing home care” by up to 75% – from 1.3 million (2010 estimate) to 2.3 million in the year 2030.

-Over 50% of family members indicate they are now more likely to choose in-home care for their loved ones than they were prior to the coronavirus, according to a survey from health care research and consulting firm Transcend Strategy Group.

-A recent article in Forbes states a recent William Blair survey in which 81% of physicians responsible for discharge planning now prefer to refer their patients to a home health agency versus a skilled nursing or rehab facility. This figure is up from 54% before the pandemic.

The market demand is clearly there. Critical to your success and ability to remain competitive in this growing market, you must take action now to establish and maintain a strong and reputable brand in the eyes of an audience who will select from an abundance of choices.

Is Your Brand Responsive to the Healthcare Services Current Needs?
As the COVID-19 pandemic evolves, your brand and messaging must remain agile. To do so, your brand must respond and pivot as needed to stay relevant.

Considering how the needs, questions, and concerns of your audience may have changed based on the impact of the pandemic, your branding needs to shift to reflect and align to these new dynamics.

Is Your Branding Aligned to the ‘New Normal’ of In-Home Healthcare and Personal Care Services Fueled by COVID-19?
Brands that take branding and planning seriously will find increased opportunities. As COVID-19 continues to impact us domestically and globally, it has direct effect on all brands involved in the delivery of healthcare. Rather than a ‘wait and see’ approach, now is the time to really think about your brand, your audience and what is relevant. Then you are ready to define or refine your brand and branding to align to the impact of COVID-19 and on what has become the ‘new normal’.

Have your strategy, brand and branding adjusted and aligned to the ‘New Normal’ of in-home medical and personal care services? If not, time is of the essence so let’s chat!

Marketing Matters based in Stamford, CT in Fairfield County serves healthcare organizations including those providing in-home medical and personal care and other healthcare providers in CT, NY, NJ and throughout the US. We help you better understand, define, and develop your brand and branding to stay relevant and aligned to the dynamics, needs and realities of the market.  For questions or to learn more, contact us by phone at 203.329.7773 or online.